Pei's Earning Point

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Laziness Kills

sigh... am so dead am so dead am so DEAD!!!!

hehehe yes I'm DEAD!!! my laziness kills!
Haven't been putting effort and worked hard enough for my 1st semester for level 3..
Everyone knows final year is a very very important year..
indeed, I've wasted my past 10 or more weeks slumbering.....
I didn't care much on paying attention in class;
I didn't care much on putting effort in doing my tutorials, assignments, etc. etc....

This semester is tough... real tough...
Lecturers are all crap. LOL am sorry to say that, but they really sucks!
One lecturer left and another person took over.. the new lecturer NEVER do any lecture with us in class.. oh no he did, he lectured us on how to look at life and other than that, everything he does is to check on our assignment and edit every single ideas of us. =.=
Another young lady =.=, she's very rude and er... can't think of another word to describe her.. she show temper in class; she acts like a small kid, she is spoilt in her family maybe.. she is just... I dunno how to explain but she is weird. She is still new in this field I guess. She doesn't know how to teach.. everyday enter class she will start reading (maybe I should say 'mumble' instead of read) from the textbooks... which has no direct relation to our module.. jeez... How GREAT can she be?

SIGHhhhh... Now that I have one submission on the 20th and another one on the 22nd; 2 presentations on 22nd.. Am still working on the assignment which is due on 20th. and thanks to my laziness, i have only done 3 of the 5 tutorials which need to be included in the assignment...

the one on 22nd which is the investigation report for FYP; I've only 'pasted' 1500 words from PSF which I still have about 3.5k words to continue... CRAP

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