Pei's Earning Point

Sunday, December 27, 2009


yesterday was a totally shit day!
everything went so wrong throughout the whole day!

I do not understand why whenever you are in a bad mood
people around you never bother to care for you, ask you what is wrong, or try to comfort you.
they tend to ignore you, or some maybe will be mad at you
just because your not acting like the normal you;
you are not smiling to them, you are not entertaining them, and you are quiet.
they will just keep themselves away from you.

but whenever they are down, they expect you to be patient and accept everything like their tempers and stupid actions.
you have to take it and swallow into your stomach without any complaints.
is not that I'm not happy to do that.
I will, just that I'm a human too
I do have feelings and I do get down sometimes.
I only need someone to be there
but seems like everyone is running away...

am I not doing enough to people around me?
thats why I deserve such thing from them?

I was even being called "Hypocrite"
I do not know how YOU define hypocrite but to me thats a really big word.

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