Pei's Earning Point

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daisy. So Fresh

heheh got a new perfume for myself!!
DAISY by Marc Jacobs..
heheh according to Kelly, her BF thought why did I go all the way to Pavillion to buy 'butter' when she told him I bought a perfume named DAISY.
I am really soooooo in love with the fragrance... heheh
the promoter was good enough, he gave me the classic body lotion which worth RM180 for free!! and also the special edition of STICKY CANDY with daisy print on it. =D

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A new chapter begins...

Haven't been updating my blog for such a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.. Was really busy with completing the last 4 assignments in my life... the Final Year Project... the presentations... and then the exams!! It's finally all over and something new has started.. =(

Working life ain't good; I really miss my study life so freaking much...
1st day of work in office, I broke down in tears by the moment I got into the car..
2nd day of work in office, I broke down in tears in the washroom...

Why is that so? Why am I so useless...? am still being indecisive.. Should I take this job or not?
Friday is the last day of the one week trial.. Hopefully things will go on smoothly and I can handle it before I collapse.. Long working hours, short lunch break, weekends gotta be at the events, roadshows...

Is this really the life that I'm asking for...?