Pei's Earning Point

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Four Square Question

See? it wasn't that tough right?
If you didn't get the answer, it was just that your mind was conditioned to seek a complex solution...

Most of the times, our mind gets conditioned so much by the circumstances that we cannot see the obvious...
When we go to a specialist doctor with a simple headache, diagnosis starts from migraine, upwards!!
We assume that things are so complicated and we get entrapped in the ghost of its thoughts...
We carry on the same syndrome to our relationship and make them complicated...


That was what I've learnt today... Got it thru mail from friend again..
It's easy to say and understand and agree with things like this..
But, how many of us can actually practice it..?
"SIMPLE" sounds really easy and simple... Everyone understand the meaning of "simple"
But, it is not simple to be simple...
I really need a lot of wisdom to learn to be simple...
I wish... there is this day I can finally master this theory... SMILE~

1 comment:

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